Selfcare in every Cup

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Our mission is to provide

100% organic tisanas. Carefully formulated to promote hormonal balance, restful sleep, and relaxation, enabling you to initiate and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Our commitment is to offer the highest quality products, crafted from responsibly harvested ingredients, so you can regain vitality, reduce stress, and feel fully present for yourself and for your loved ones.

Create an intensional selfcare moment in every cup of tea, to experience a moments of joy, promoting wellness, with organic and regenerative herbal blends. 

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Don't worry we can help you

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Our Tisanas

The highest quality, handcrafted teas made using only responsible and respectfully sourced, organic ingredients and techniques to offer an intentional experience to tea lovers in Puerto Rico.

Our tisanas will help you to create an intentional self-care moment to recover, balance, rest, and detox, your mind, body, and spirit. 

Need Detox?

Feeling tired, dealing with hormonal imbalances, and struggling with insomnia? Is inflammation and pain preventing you from fully enjoying life?

You're not alone!

Our detox program is here to offer you a natural and effective solution.

Shop Detox
  • Rosegranatea

    '’Te soy honesta nunca me gustaba tomar te, hasta que llegaron los tuyos a mi vida. Me encantan y me han ayudado a dejar el refresco"


  • Friendly Deodorant

    “Nena!! Están brutales, Mi hijos lo utilizan y también mi esposo. El es mecánico y mano le cubre todo el día. Realmente son un éxito”


    Friendly Deodorant 
  • Detox Rutine

    “3 días détox y ya se siente”


    Detox Rutine 
  • Morning Detox

    “El domingo me comence a sentir como si me fuera a enfermar, me hice un morning detox con extra limon, hoy me levante nueva”

    -  S.A

    Morning Detox 
  • Friendly Deodorant

    “Los desodorantes son un éxito”


    Friendly Deodorant 
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About us

By mothers for mothers.

Mother and daughter are working together to help other mothers in their intentional healing and self-care.

Our Values:

Highest quality, handcrafted, fresh cup of tea. 

Family. Integrity, Excellence. Mindful Impact.

Our History

Learn more